
Likeminds is an online catalog to search for like-minded people. The service joins people on the basis of common interests and helps them find each other in their cities and in any place in the world.
For example, fans of celebrities or football clubs, collectors, fans of street basketball, bikers, subcultures, etc. can unite here. Here people can group by appearance characteristics, for example, those with vitiligo or tattoos will be able to find each other to participate in joint social or photo projects. The like-minds catalog will allow promoters of exhibitions, for example, cactus selling exhibition, to find out which cities have the sufficient number of cactus collectors to hold the exhibition. The catalog will also be useful for scheduling concerts, flash mobs, photo and video shoots to ensure that fairly large number of people sharing relevant interests.
The idea to create the catalog came to my mind while writing the book “Michael Jackson — The Phenomenon of Sexual Energy”, when I was trying to find out how many fans of the King of Pop live in my city. Therefore, the Moonwalkers alliance is the first one within this service. The desire to unite all Michael Jackson fans inspired the creation of the catalog to search for like-minded people.
This project will always be absolutely free. I wish you all to find people you needed so much to share your interests. Thank you for choosing us! Enjoy! Love you!
Katherine Mask.
P.S. The service is currently running in demo mode. We are gradually embedding the projected functionality and always welcome your feedback you can send by the form.
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